Reading list –
A reading list of books that inform Johnson’s art practice and cover subjects like skiing, mountaineering, hiking, landscape painting and beauty. Click the images and links below to learn more about each book and the influence its had.
The Artists of the Alpine Club: a Biographical Dictionary by Peter Mallalieu
Climbing Days by Dorothy Pilley
The Artist’s Studio: A Cultural History by James Hall
Unquiet Landscape: Places and Ideas in 20th Century British Painting by Christopher Neve
Wanderers: A History of Women Walking by Kerri Andrews
The Color of the Moon: Lunar Painting in American Art, exhibition catalogue
The Training of the Memory in Art, and the Education of the Artist by Lecoq De Boisbaudran
Loppe: Alpine Painter by William Mitchell
American Sublime: Landscape Painting in the United States by Andrew Wilton & Tim Barringer
The Art of Skiing by Jenny De Gex
Two Planks and a Passion by Roland Huntford
In Monte Viso’s Horizon by Will McLewin
True Tales of Mountain Adventure by Mrs. Aubrey Le Blond
A Little Walk on Skis by Peter & Beryl Wilberforce Smith
Into the Silence by Wade Davis
Dreams of a Summer Night, Catalogue from Hayward Gallery, London
American Visions by Robert Hughes
Painting as an Art by Richard Wollheim
The End of Night by Paul Bogard
Skiing around the World by Jimmy Petterson
The Wildest Dream by Peter and Leni Gillman
Mountains of the Mind by Robert MacFarlane
The Wild Places by Robert MacFarlane
All But One by Barbara Swindin
Avalanche Know-How by Gunter Durner and Brian Farquharson
Who Says That’s Art? by Michelle Marder Kamhi
Classic Alpine Trek from Argentiere to Zermatt
The Snow Tourist by Charlie English
Swiss Watching: Inside the Land of Milk & Money by Diccon Bewes